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Unity B4 Heresy Blog Round-up First of 2019

Evening everyone welcome to the first round-up of 2019.  There's been lots going on within the UB4H camp as well as news and reveals from the Open Day at Warhammer World.  If you haven't seen them the new Titan Death Campaign book and Reaver were highlights of the day and new transfers are also in-bound.  Check out the Warhammer Community page for more info.

This week Col. Hertford has been mainly working on House Vyronii knights and adding transfers to his Warlords with some great results.  He's really loving painting the models but the transfers are making him enjoy the process even more.  He's pointed out that it would be nice for there to be more transfer options (i.e. A Knight transfer sheet compatible with all Knight classes).  He's also ordered some Zone Mortalis boards and a Warlord Sunfury Plasma Annihilator. 

King Fluff has been busy sorting more terrain for his Adeptus Titanicus set up which will soon be complimented with a full suite of buildings alongside a neoprene going mat - stay tuned for a future post where he will be reviewing the scenery kits from Blotz.  He's also been busy working on the player materials for his events, Dispute of Iron I in March and Xenocide I in May respectively.  In particular he's been writing rules for Agents set in the Great Crusade era - in this case Remembrancers and Slaught Mercenaries.

This week I have been building more Adeptus Titanicus Terrain having been able to get in a few more teaser games with a friend of the blog.  The Advanced rules are horrendously fun when you begin to push Warhound's Reactors.  Things go south quickly and Nova exploding Warhounds are absolutely comical.  I've also been testing out my paint scheme for my Legio Praesagius Titans.  First test wasn't a whole success but it helped me achieve the effect I was after and allowed me to understand the marbling effect more that I was going for.  I used the tutorial that is on the Lil'Legend Studios patreon which I highly recommend to anyone.  I haven't quite mastered it myself but practice makes perfect so I'll be having some more practice ready for the big paint. 😏

Another busy week in the background for us here at the blog.  We hope you're enjoying the content.  If you have any questions or suggestions comment below and follow us here.

Only In Death Does Duty End

- Tylar, Col. Hertford, King Fluff

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