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5 Minute Friday--Connect

 Joining 5 Minute Friday writing for 5 Minutes . . .

Start . . .
I think of people.  People groups that I want to connect with. I think of God and my desire to be closer to Him and connect.  And it is because of the desire that is in my heart that I want to connect with people.

. . . I want to connect with my new coworkers.  I want them to see Jesus shine through me.

. . . I want to (re)connect with my daughter. I wish things could be back to they were before she got married.  I wish that she had not had to suffer through an abusive marriage.  I see her old self peaking through sometimes and I can't wait till she is back and we can connect.

. . . I want both me and Cowboy to connect to the boys that we minister to.  I want to help them connect with God.

. . . I want to connect with you.  I pray that the things that I write here make you smile. I hope that the things I write here encourage you.  And I hope that the things I write here make you

Connect with God

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