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A Couple of Questions...

For those of you who blogger, how hard is it to set up the "blogs I am following" feature and how does it look on your page? I have been wanting to do it, but am a bit nervous.

I went and bought a copy of the Sex & the City movie on DVD tonight. I am very pleased and am planning on hopefully watching it this weekend. One thing I noticed is that is says it has a "bonus digital copy". What does that mean? I am really behind the times on this, especially with how busy I have been at work. Help!

Anybody else go grab a copy of SATC? I loved the series and enjoyed the movie. Though I will never be a wealthy, affluent New York woman, I still enjoy the friendship and warmth between the women. It gives me a chance to have a bit of fantasy in a life that is full of reality.

Have a good night! Any help in answering my questions would be appreciated!

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