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A Long Way Down by Randall Silvis

Ryan de Marco is trying to get his head clear to look into any future he has.  A estranged wife, a dead son is his history and he finds it hard to shake off the memories of a difficult marriage. Jayme his partner has his dark memories to contend with in trying to forge a future together.

Faced with a triple murder by someone who seems to enjoy torturing and decapitating his victims and then another victim totally different to the others is the dilemma faced by the detectives trying to solve this crime.

Bringing in Jayme and de Marco was not a popular choice as outsiders to try this old crime but they set to, to try to find one common factor linking these diverse victims. When they do, they uncover a ring of academics, drugs and sex orgies combined with a wild philosophy which drives someone to murder.

The characters are very well developed and the pace is intense. Looking forward to my next read from this author.

Sent by Netgalley for an unbiased review, courtesy of Sourcebooks.

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