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fun Monday set by Faye

I realize that a lot of people don't get into writing and mailing out holiday greetings, especially since we can be in contact with friends and family 24/7 through technology--phone calls, texting, twittering, face-booking, blogging, e-mailing, videoing. But, for most of us it's still a treat to see a holiday envelope mixed in with the bills and junk mail in the mailbox, especially if it's a handwritten message.

Am late taking part, only learnt from tweet by Cynicalgirl what today's topic was.

Some folk are tech savvy, but there are still quite a few who put pen to paper. Hence, a mixture of snail-mail cards and e-cards.
E-cards are lov
ely especially the animated ones. But, to receive a hand-written card is special as when the sender has enclosed a note telling of the past year's events in their life.

, time rushes by taking with it old friends who have 'left this vale of tears'. Another friend has been anxious about writing cards this year simply because of the number of names she's had to cross off her list.
As she remarked, 'at her time of life; funerals seem to hap
pen more often'.

Then, there are those who having sent cards regularly for tens of years,
suddenly leave you off their mailing list.

This year, the flow of cards dried up days ago... As for the rest of the mail? Some bills are onlne (no need for snail-mail). Junk mail has been almost eradicated thanks to TMS the Mailing Preference Service.

Today's post has arrived! Another Xmas card from former colleague, and a dog-e-gift ready for me to personalise and forward to recipient.The latter is a virtual gift!

Otis a Labrador pup in training to be a guide dog for the blind.

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