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Goodbye 2014 and welcome 2015 !

2014 was a very good year. For me it was a year of hobbyistic and domestic progression. As for my blog it developed much better than I thought:

During 2014 I managed to deliver 92 posts which is 18 posts more than I wrote in 2014. An increase of about 24% which I didn't intend. It just happened when my hobby activities rose.

In 2014 my humble blog collected 77.500 visits which is more attention than it had during the two years before. I'm absolutely stunned by the support my sober work is receiving and cannot say more than "Thank you very much indeed, chaps!"

As in 2012 and 2013 my highly appreciated readers came from all around the world. Especially USA - 26%, Germany - 19%, United Kingdom - 10%, Russian Federation - 8% and France - 6%.
It's fascinating how small our hobby world became with the use of Facebook, blogging and all those other web 2.0 related features...

But what was inside Monty's Caravan last year?

Some impressions... Have a look:

So that was 2014 more or less...

To you all a very happy New Year and all the best for 2015 !
I hope you'll stay favourably inclined towards Monty's Caravan.

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