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A Few Points

1. A good blog I just discovered, relevant to one of my chosen objects of study - http://parallelcinema.blogspot.com/ - basically just information and pictures on given Indian movies that don't seem to follow the "six songs, three dances" template.

2. Some filmmakers whose work I wish I could see: Shinsuke Ogawa, Arthur Omar, Mani Kaul, Carmelo Bene, Don Askarian, Mario O'Hara.

3. I hate how some New York Public Library VHS tapes are in fine condition, and others are shitty, and there's no way to tell or even reasonably guess which are which.

4. What's your favorite Russ Meyer film? I've seen maybe four, and like Supervixens and Cherry, Harry & Raquel equally--both solid efforts. Neither quite "list-worthy."

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