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Brewing Up

We bought some instant coffee the other week and I don't like it at all. I've been drinking it, but I'm not a fan. I'm not a coffee snob by any means, I know nothing about the subject and I'm not really that bothered, but I know when I like something. 

So I decided to make some coffee using the cafetiere, it's hanging around in the pantry with our 4 other coffee making devices and it seemed like the easiest thing, rather than faffing about with the stove top one and all that. 

So I got it out of the cupboard and realised I didn't know how to use it! I felt a bit daft, Dan usually makes the nice coffee at home, and when you get a coffee in a cafe, they've already done the main bit for you. So I had to look on YouTube for a video. I think I blushed as I watched it because it seemed like something I should know how to do. But then I thought, well why should I know, and how will I learn if I don't learn?

So now I know and made coffee for myself and Dan this morning, he declared it to be "very nice" and didn't even laugh when I told him I had to ask the internet for a tutorial. Isn't he nice. 

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