about me I wonder that I felt discombobulated by her assuming I remembered National Service?
Sadly I think it does!
This afternoon as a volunteer I was charged to sit with a lady who had just been admitted. She had a very painful break which was causing her a huge amount of discomfort. Tears rolled down her face as she recounted her life story. Her marriage, her children, their happy retirement until her husband was diagnosed with cancer and his very speedy demise. She was one of life's talkers. From tears to smiles and then chuckles.
As she told me about her man doing his National Service she said ‘Do you remember those days?’ Fleetingly I felt disgruntled as I replied
‘No!’ followed hard on the heels by the thought... well I obviously look as if I should! The next thing that crossed my mind was...
what a tart to be put out by this simple question, how shallow is that as I sit here hale and hearty!?! Our conversation was free flowing, she started to ask things about me, a good sign I thought, taking her out of her particular painful here and now.
Listening is a skill, knowing when to shut up, knowing it is okay for them to give free rein to the tears and sad times. As we said our goodbyes she looked perkier, brighter and in a small way I felt I had made a difference.
Walking home through town I glanced at this old dear reflected in a shop window and thought...
Yes, I do look as if I might remember men being called up for National Service. Get a grip LL age is just a number, you’ve had a blooming good life...
madam that you are!
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