We all have the tendency to over complicate things - don't we?
We over think everything. We overthink why people say what they say - why people do what they do - what people really mean.
We over think our actions and those of others.
We can make caring for our homes and families too complicated.
We need to learn to just be a bit more laid back and not worry so much about the WHAT IF's.
Stuff happens. You can be prepared and should be - but stuff will still happen. Things you didn't even think about can happen. We can control 'part' of our daily life - but there is something/someone else MUCH bigger in control.
Don't fool yourself into thinking you have ALL the power. You don't. Not for a second.
I take precautions like the next person in this day and age - but I know my God has this. I am a firm believer that our last day was decided on our first day. You can't change it - you do not have that power.
I do believe we can determine the 'quality' of this life - but we have NO control on the quantity. I know this is my belief and not everyone would agree - that is your choice. I just think too many people complicate everyday life by thinking they can really control the outcome.
I love the feel and smell of an actual book. I will read a real book IF I get the chance.
I love the smell of coffee - not the taste at all - but there is something comforting about the smell.
Oh a rainy day nap - it has been a while. They are so relaxing.
Any front porch is wonderful. I have been doing that a lot lately (until extreme heat came back). Love seeing the sights, hearing the sounds and feeling the air.
A sunrise or sunset is the most beautiful art project ever!!!! Our God is a perfectionist and it shows.
I keep hearing people say "I can't wait till things get back to normal". "I can't wait till things are like they were before".
That kind of makes me sad. YES, I am over C19 and riots, and protesting and the pettiness of people.
BUT truly - if things go back to the way they were before - we have learned NOTHING!!!!!!! I don't want to see the world lose an opportunity to learn and grow and evolve into a better place.
I want people to be better. I want people to learn lessons that last. I want to see people be better prepared for the stuff they can control. I want to see people learn that simpler CAN BE better. I want to see people more involved with each other and less involved with their technology. I want to more of the "old-fashioned" ways come back and stay!
Don't overthink. Don't over analyze. Don't judge. Don't be petty. Don't spread discord. Don't think you have COMPLETE control. Don't borrow trouble with worry about things you can't control.
Life is wonderful and should be enjoyed thoroughly, each and ever day.
Life should be lived as a journey and not a destination,
Slow down and enjoy all the simple things - you will be so much happier. The simple things are the things that matter most.
Peace my friends!
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