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Lancelot Link Thursday: The Revenge

Lancelot Link Thursday! For those of you who want can't wait to see that documentary about the family who raised a chimp as their child (mom actually breast fed it!)... here are some articles about screenwriting and the biz plus some fun stuff that may be of interest to you. Brought to you by that suave and sophisticated secret agent...

Here are six cool links plus this week's car chase...

1) Intelligent comedy vs. the other kind.

2) The top loglines at Amazon Studios.

3) Film School Thesis Generator.

4) The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema doesn't want you to talk or text during the film.

5) Actor Richard E Grant on development hell.

6) My friend Jonathan King isn't only the brilliant director of BLACK SHEEP and UNDER THE MOUNTAIN, he is also a talented cartoonist... and here is his new comic strip THREAT LEVEL. Enjoy!

This week's car chase: Maybe it's just because I grew up in the Bay Area, but is there a better city for a car chase than San Francisco? Lots of variety, lots of hills, lots of things to crash into...

And you thought it was going to be BULLITT, didn't you!

- Bill

TODAY'S SCRIPT TIP: Adaptation - and what I learned adapting a New York Times best selling novel for a producer at MGM.
Dinner: Italian Hoagie.
Pages: Nope - still snotty.
Bicycle: Nope - went to the movies.

Movies: THE DOUBLE HOUR - Italian. A twisty thriller about Sonia (Kseniya Rappoport) a hotel maid in her early 30s who meets ex-cop Guido (Filippo Timi) now working as a security guard, at a speed dating thing. Both are emotionally damaged. At first they decide not to go out with each other... but they have sadness in common, and start dating. He works as a guard at a huge country estate while the owner is away - watching monitors all day. She cleans up after messy people and is learning Spanish from CD classes. Because she loves the country, he invites her to hang out with him at work, and they go hiking around the country estate... on the day a violent crew of thieves comes to rob the place. They steal all of the antique furnishings, all of the paintings and ceramics and sculptures... and then the couple is shot.

But who is killed and who is alive is a mystery, as Sonia wakes up in the hospital alive and goes back to work at the hotel. But is she really alive? And is the ex-cop Guido she grew to love really dead? Or is it the other way around?

This film has a great triple twist that has your questioning what is real... And at its heart is a sad romance about people trapped by their past mistakes.

- Bill

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