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Positive Motivational Quotes

It's easy to give up when times get tough - and oftentimes, that's exactly what people will do. I've been there, and I've seen it happen too many times to friends and colleagues.

However, I've learned over time that a positive motivational quote delivered at the right time can work wonders. It can lift a person's spirits, bring them back from their darkness and into a place where they once again are the positive, motivated people I know them to be.

You are positive. You are motivated. You are enough - and today, I want to share with you some of my favorite positive motivational quotes.

"To be a champion, You have to believe in yourself when nobody else will." - Sugar Ray Robinson
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain
"I would rather attempt something great and fail than attempt to do nothing and succeed." - Robert Schuller
"Men are born to succeed, not to fail." - Henry David Thoreau
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good that we oft may win by fearing to attempt." - William Shakespeare
If you've  enjoyed these quotes, I have no doubt that you and I will get along. I've often found that people who enjoy similar quotes have similar mindsets, similar outlooks on life - and end up walking similar paths.  
I hope you will continue your journey with me, and download a free copy of my motivational quotes eBook below - my gift to you.

You can skip the hassle of finding your own quotes. Why go through the aggravation of searching page after page, website after website looking for quotes? I've been there, done that - and now I'm making available to everyone for free my very own handpicked collection. You won't find a better selection anywhere! Click through now for your free motivational quotes ebook.

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