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Saturday Morning Freebies

Just a few more goodies for today. More this weekend.  And don't miss SF Signal's Free SF/F/H Fiction roundup today.

At Buzzy Mag: "Reformed" by Michael Haynes.
     Marshall churned away on an elliptical machine at his gym. His attention wandered from the news during a commercial and he noticed a woman running on a treadmill across the room. He only saw her in profile, but she looked like Caro
At Enchanted Conversations: "No Harm in Tears" by Lissa Sloan. Fairy Tale.
    "I tried not to think of the garden you looked out on. I tried not to picture the neat rows of vegetables, the trellised beans and peas, the apples and pears, trained against the wall. That place had brought me nothing but trouble."
At 365 Tomorrows:  "Free Minded" by Ian Florida. Flash Science Fiction.
Now Posted Planetary Stories #26 with fiction by Shelby Vick, Jim Comer, and Rick Norwood.
Now Posted Wonderlust #9 with fiction by Paul Dellinger, Rick Brooks, and Dennis S Thornton. Fantasy.
Now Posted Pulp Spirit #15 with fiction by Erwin K Roberts, Jesse Knifley, Kevin Duncan, and Rick Norwood.

Serial Fiction
At Adventures in Fiction: Thieves' Honor, ep 10: "The Game: Shooter" by Keanan Brand.

At Pixel of Ink: The Hunger by Dandridge Doug. Horror. Vampires. Kindle free until Oct. 8.
At Smashwords: "Half Full - Half Empty" by Matthew L Williams. Science Fiction. 9k.
At Smashwords: "Broken Angel: A Zombie Love Story" by Joely Sue Burkhart. Horror. 8k.
At Smashwords: "Once Upon a Nightmare" by McKelle George. Paranormal. 22k.
At Smashwords:  "The Pursuit of a King" by Candace Christine Little. Christian Fantasy. 50k.

At Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Episode 19 - Tarzan of the Apes.
      "Jane Porter has been abducted by an ape. Helpless to find her during the night, Professor Porter resolves that night to follow her into the jungle once daylight comes, so that she need not lie alone in death there."
At  Radio Drama Revival: "The Damned Are Playing at Godzilla’s Tonight" by J. Michael Straczynski.
      "The harrowed man tells his story – and it is a story of racism in the music business, the haunting of living and dead, and a damn frightening tale of rock and roll."

Other Genres
Audio at LibriVoxPearl Maiden by Henry Rider Haggard. Historic Fiction.
Fiction at The New Yorker: "Cold Pastoral" by Marina Keegan.
Fiction at The New Yorker: "Fischer vs. Spassky" by Lara Vapnyar.

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