I have to say I now wonder why anyone on the right gave you so much as a passing snort when your wife passed away. I know I certainly regret it now. I had assumed you were a human being.
Stay klassy, KKKate.
Canada's Lowest Common Denominatrix (tm PSA) apparently took offense to this post by Dr. Dawg in which he pointed to his own noting of McVillian's at the very least tacit, if not effusive approval of the deaths of dozens of journalists over the past year in the context of talking about the right wing fascist cult of death. While KKKate said little enough herself in her post, the comments that she let stand are illustrative of just how deep a sinkhole her blog is and give a general picture of the kind of people who hang out there, lapping up her every word.
I wish I'd bought the T-shirt:
"Journalist. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required."Posted by: Jim at December 19, 2009 8:02 AM
Well darn. I thought I was linking to a story about something bad happening.What's that old saying..I'd rather have a mother as a whore then a journalist?Posted by: Justthinkin at December 19, 2009 8:05 AM
I've said for years the only way to save the US is to hang all of the media first. Looks like my views aren't so out of the main stream.
"Freedom of the press requires you support it, not subvert it."
When your group works to subvert our freedoms (speech, guns, property rights, etc) don't be surprised if we wouldn't like to see you pay for it.Posted by: paulcr39 at December 19,2009 8:11 AM
It isn't a pretty picture and it goes a long way to explaining why Canada has strayed so far into the weeds in the last few years.
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