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1982 Police Issue - Milwaukee Police Department

I recently acquired a whole set of these 1982 Brewers Police cards from the Milwaukee Police Department from Tony over at Off Hiatus Sports Cards.  It's a great set (30 cards total) and features all the big and little names on the 82 World Series team including Mr. Fingers here.  I have a few Police Issues for Rollie, but I didn't have an 82 at all so this was quite a boon to get a full team set and get to add the Rollie officially to the Super Collection, although he'll remain with the set for the time being.

The Brewers Police issue cards are interesting in that there are tons of variations because these cards were given out in multiple towns through out Wisconsin and each police department is printed on the front.  According to a list Tony was nice enough to share with me this 1982 set, which was the inaugural police issue, only has 5 variations known, but that jumps to 29 in 1983 and into the high 60's for years after that.  So a player collector has lots of cards they could chase.

I always chuckle reading the back and the player says....

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