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A World in 13 Items

Bandwagon time. Likely more verbose than I should be aiming for, but:

1. Bandolier of rune-inscribed bells, with handles of human bone.
2. Moth-bitten cloak, long and black.
3. Logbook, with descriptions of an expedition to the north. Last dozen pages have been ripped out.
4. Ice-like gem. Whispers when you draw close.
5. Silver pendant. Holds a mirror and a symbol of the Church of Violence.
6. Sack of provisions for a long journey, packed in haste.
7. Tin flask, full of sea water. "In case of emergencies" carved roughly into the side.
8. Leather pouch, containing iron filings and salt.
9. Frog-in-a-jar. Glows in the dark, piercing even the thickest fog.
10. Dive watch, with 13 digits on its face.
11. Knife, carved from a stag's antler.
12. Silver key, kept in a locked chest at the back of a cellar.
13. Unfinished map, labelled "Death, in the year 1833."

Original post by Michael Prescott, of Trilemma Adventures; also take a look at posts from Sundered Shillings, the Slopyard, Nothic's Eye, the Cosmic Orrery, and Colors of Pentagrams, in no particular order.

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