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Cable Car To the Island With "No Facilities."

Me being very serious and philosophical for a change.  Where did you get that striped jumper Dave?
I went for an excursion last Sunday to Ireland's only cable car that crosses over the water to a little island.  The man in the little hut asked us if we wanted to go across to the Island?  He told us that the cable car didn't return for 2 hours and there were:

"No facilities on the Island."

However we could go for a walk or do some bird watching.   It's a shame he hadn't painted the hut because we could have watched the paint dry.

We decided to just pay 20 Euros and go on the cable car ride and not get off.   The man's final greeting was:

"Just close the cable car door behind you please."


Thinks me.  Have they never heard of health and safety, or seen the Monty Python 'Meaning of Life' film with the machine that goes "ping"? 

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