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Give-A-Show Fridays: Chad Valley Tom and Jerry, Parts 1-4!

I know, I know, you guys were probably recalling I'd already posted videos for a Tom and Jerry set... this was the second one that Chad Valley did in 1972!
At this point in time, Chad Valley pretty much had broken ties with Kenner. While their projector still looked like the standard Give-A-Show Projector, they had altered it. The slides now came with two stories, with each frame using a "wide screen" format so that they could fit pictures from two stories on each. This is why the stories have an "a" or "b" with the numbers. It actually made the Sliderama (as they now called it) a much better deal than the Give-A-Show, because they offered twice as many stories per set!

As you'll see as we continue to go through the 1970s, there was little duplication in licenses between Chad Valley and Kenner. You've already seen that Chad Valley had the Disney license (there'll be a few more Disney sets coming up, including a Robin Hood set based on that movie), and there'll be the Planet of the Apes set coming up based on the TV show!

The only duplication of licenses in the 1970s were the Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman and Star Wars -- and the two companies did not share materials at all for those!

Next week, as Give-A-Show Fridays resumes its normal weekly schedule, I'll begin things off with some Tru-Vue slides! Tru-Vue was an early competitor of View-Master, so far as I can tell, and along with their 3-D stuff, they also did a projector using the same images as their 3-D sets, although only using one of the images!

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