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Tercios de Espana - Part Four

The Duke of Parma can now take the field as I have finished the first 12 elements needed to play DBA-RRR. I plan on painting up 4 more elements for some options and flexibility but below you will see the army ready for battle.
Here are some close-ups of elements completed since Part Three. First, the Pistol element and my first attempt at "dappling" a horse and another two tone mount.
Here's the artillery - a culverin and crew. I figured the Spanish were wealthy enough during this period to afford bronze cannon. Iron was more prevalent.
And here's the man himself, Duke of Parma, Alessandro Farnese. I could find very few portraits of the Duke but the one I did use was from the bust up. It appeared the Duke wore some type of glossy leather or black laminate armor and a lacy grey/silver shirt. I made up the rest of the overall color scheme and added some "bling" to his garb. I like the scheme and the color contrasts so I opted to continue them with his mount. I am pretty pleased with the overall look.

As I mentioned I would like to paint up some optional elements and add flags, banners and pennons to put the finishing touches on this army. I have really enjoyed this project so far and hope you have too. As always, feel free to comment.


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