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Meet Seigwart

So, a friend of mine started running a WFRP game for us a little while ago, using pre-gens.  I think it's WFRP 2e.  We started out with some breaking and entering in a city-of-thieves type location, fought-off a burglar from the room we were squatting in, then hired-out to a noble to retrieve some artifact for a local robber-baron.

Anyway, I finally got to roll up a character(I wonder if the DM will let me play both him and the pre-gen, until one of them bites the dust).  I didn't really realize just how complex WFRP character creation is until now.  I once played in noisms' WFRP PBP, but he limited the character creation to a few basic questions.  The basic stats seem to be a combination of in-born abilities(Dex, Int, etc) and general skills(weapon skill, ballistics skill).  But then, there's also a separate skill system.  Anyway, meet Siegwart the Bawd.

By the way, is there a more Picaresque character class than Bawd?  I sort of doubt it.  He's not even a proper thief.  He seems to be more of a serial lounger with vaguely criminal tendencies.  I'm sure he's going to be fun to play.

My Starting profile didn't contain anything too remarkable, but at least his dodge blow, high initiative, and very resilient should make him hard to hit.  Also, I rolled him some nice starting funds, so I got him a crossbow.

Name: Siegwart
Race: Human
Gender: M
Alignment: N
Age: 28
Height: 5"6
Fate Points: 3
Career Class: Rogue
Current Career: Bawd
Career Exits: Bodyguard/Fence
Starting Profile:
M: 4
WS: 29
BS: 29
S: 2
T: 4
W: 7
I: 30
A: 1
Dex: 33
Ld: 33
Int: 37
Cl: 28
WP: 27
Fel: 34

Current Profile:
I: 40

dodge blow
street fighting
very resiliant
scale sheer surface

Languages: Old Worlder, Thieves' Cant

Leather Jack
Sturdy Clothing
Secret Purse
Steel Bar Mace
5 bolts

Seigwart does quite well for himself hanging around the bars, the gambling halls, and the houses of ill-repute in the city.  He knows many underworld characters and may act as messenger, informant, negotiator, or spy, despite not being a member of any particular gang.  Though not a hired killer, he grew-up on the mean streets and is tough and knows how to take care of himself.

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