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What is one thing that you wish you knew in your twenties?

Reddit asks the question.  Here are a few of the answers:
  • Don’t let anybody else define for you what you are or where you’re going.
  • ALWAYS save some money for a rainy day even if all you can do is a small amount from every paycheck. (set up a separate direct deposit acct for savings)
  • No matter how good you are or how hard you try, there will always be somebody with something shitty to say about you and/or your work.  Don’t sweat it. Be the best you can be, learn from your mistakes, and always move forward.
  • Credit card interest adds up FAST!!
  • That the world isn’t fair, and getting upset about that fact will only make you miserable.
  • Money in has to be more than money out. Avoid debt at all costs.
  • I wish “People Skills” was a class. Since its not, proactively teach yourself the best you can. It outweighs nearly every skill you will acquire, and applies to every pursuit you will ever have.
  • In the deep of night you only have to answer to yourself. Be who you are not who you think others want you to be.
  • Hard work really does pay off.
  • Just because you’re approved for a CC, doesn’t mean you manage money well.
  • That no matter what other people say, everyone experiences life differently. All advice can only be taken as suggestion. Don’t mold your life to fit the advice, but rather the advice to fit your life.
  • You determine your life. People cannot ‘make’ you happy or grumpy or a slave or a leader. You choose to do or feel that way.
  • Don’t buy that new car, buy a used one and put the difference in savings. Don’t bother with the credit cards, your just going to buy stuff you don’t need and ruin your credit. And for the love of all that is pure and true, DON’T go to ITT Tech.
  • You aren’t special.  (I’d add “to most people”)
  • Working late every day to provide your kids with the “luxuries you never had” is selfishness of the highest order. Your kids don’t want luxuries, not really. They want time with their parents. When they’re 25 they’re not gonna remember that they didn’t have a PS3 and and HDTV to play it on. They’ll remember that dad was never around.
  • Women want sex as much as men do. Don’t feel you’re asking a favor, sex is a win-win situation.
  • being happy is the most important thing there is. not money, not fame, … go do the stuff that makes you happy and enjoy life as much as possible.
What is one thing that you wish you knew in your twenties?

Thanks Kerry

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