So said 75 year old Glen Campbell, the great American country singer, in an interview on the BBC Today programme this morning. I found it quite moving listening to him [listen here]. He is 75, and knows he is suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease – but is about to start his farewell tour in the UK. What a positive attitude to life! [pictures and details of the interview here] During the interview, he repeatedly sang snatches of favourite songs – and ended with “One Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus…”
One day at a time sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from you
Just give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
Yesterdays gone sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine
Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time
None of us knows how long we have – or what our heath will be like – but if we live each day walking with Jesus, He will certainly give us the strength we need – and give us ‘our full pot of beans’ – however long or short our stay on earth.
btw – thanks everyone for all those kind messages you sent us yesterday – still happily married for 32 years and 1 day!
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