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Happy New Year ...

2018 has already arrived and probably moved on to 2nd January 2018 by the time this posts ... 

Reminding me of my mother's and our family roots -
West Cornwall artists

Canada time and I are still off-wave-lengths - I guess I'll settle in soon and adjust ... 

Straits of Georgia: from Vancouver Island looking
over to Mount Baker (over 3,000 m high) - it is volcanic
and is the USA

I'll be posting somewhat differently now I'm living here for a while ... 

Lots of inlets, views, sights etc to see and explore

... more short photographic ones I guess, but when I can get out and investigate they'll be more in-depth as I work out what's what ... 

To all of you a very wonderful 2018 ... with lots of happiness, creative ideas, joyful fun and then health, some wealth and always positiveness - we are lucky to be where we are ...

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

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